1Society for Human Resource Management. 'ESG Strategies Rank High with Gen Z, Millennials.' March 21, 2023. https://www.shrm.org/topics-tools/news/survey-esg-strategies-rank-high-gen-z-millennials. 2Forrester Thought Leadership Paper, "Sustainability Priorities Resonate Throughout Corporate IT Strategy, Operations, and Purchasing," https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/business/enterprise-computers/resources/teaser-forrester-sustainability-priorities.html 3Barrett C. R. & Niekerk, G. (2013). Sustainable business: A Fortune 500 corporate perspective. In A. H. Huffman, & S. R. Klein (Eds.), Green organizations: Driving change with I-O psychology (pp. 251-272). New York, NY: Routledge. 4Intel, "Corporate Responsibility Report 2022-23." Intel prepared this report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Comprehensive option. A GRI Content Index is provided on its Report Builder website. Intel also uses other recognized frameworks to inform the content of this report, including the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the IFRS Foundation. 5New Statesman. "Make It: Industry to Sustainability - Silicon Retirement." New Statesman Spotlight on Sustainability. https://www.newstatesman.com/spotlight/sustainability/2023/08/make-it-industry-sustainable-silicon-retirement. 6Based on "The Total Economic Impact™ of the Intel vPro Platform," an Intel-commissioned study by Forrester Consulting, January 2024, which surveyed 500 ITDMs at enterprises across the world using Intel vPro®, including US, Canada, France, Germany, UK, Australia, China, India, and Japan. For the study's findings, Forrester aggregated the data and experiences from the interviewees into a composite organization with an assumed revenue of $1 billion per year and 10,000 employees. 7Intel® EPO enabled on U-Series and P-Series processors only. 8Based on "The Total Economic Impact™ of the Intel vPro Platform," an Intel-commissioned study by Forrester Consulting, January 2024, which surveyed 500 ITDMs at enterprises across the world using Intel vPro®, including US, Canada, France, Germany, UK, Australia, China, India, and Japan. For the study's findings, Forrester aggregated the data and experiences from the interviewees into a composite organization with an assumed revenue of $1 billion per year and 10,000 employees. All versions of the Intel vPro® platform require an eligible Intel® Core™ processor, a supported operating system, Intel LAN and/or WLAN silicon, firmware enhancements, and other hardware and software necessary to deliver the manageability use cases, security features, system performance, and stability that define the platform. See www.Intel.com/PerformanceIndex/vPro for details. © Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel vPro and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others. |