Here are three reasons why now may be the time for every data-driven business to consider investing in new PCs: 1. Protecting sensitive data with hardware-rooted security The world is experiencing a massive data boom — and the sheer amount of data being generated and stored worldwide is expected to grow by 25% by 20261, according to IDC. While cloud management and data storage have become increasingly popular options for storing data, nearly 19% of a company's data is still stored locally on the PC.2 This can be problematic. In recent years IT departments faced with competing IT priorities have placed the PC at the bottom of their lists, but leaving employees with older PCs can lead to "many unintended negative consequences across the organization," especially with unprotected data. A new generation of PCs comes equipped with hardware-integrated security solutions that can help IT teams protect and control company data. In fact, ensuring that every PC is protected with a hardware-integrated security solution is "the central starting point to build the rest of the security story" while simultaneously easing the burden on IT teams. "This helps IT managers control their company's data, and employees remain productive even when the next attack comes," per IDC. 2. Attracting the right employees to the organization with the right PCs The kinds of PCs an organization gives its employees can have a huge impact on the quality of candidates it can hire in this data-centric world. Workers are running more real-time, data-intensive workloads — and they need new PCs to keep them productive. Giving workers access to better and faster PCs allows them to engage with data in new ways, ultimately playing an essential role in retaining talent. "Employee satisfaction must be a critical consideration for IT, but it can't come at the expense of security and manageability," according to IDC. The data every employee creates, stores and manages on their PC constitutes an "organization's lifeblood," which is why IT teams cannot afford to make compromises to keeping that data accessible and safe. Investing in better and faster PCs will give employees new ways to engage with data, as well as the performance and user experience they want from their new technology. At the same time, new PCs provide IT the security they need to better protect company data. 3. Providing greater IT oversight and manageability Let's face it: The job of an IT manager is hard — and thanks to the rise in hybrid work, it's only getting harder. Today, IT managers need to properly deploy the right device to the right person — while also ensuring that the device will be protected and the data being created and stored on it will be secure. New PCs have features that provide real-time feedback on how these devices are performing. "This allows IT to operate more proactively, identifying potential security, hardware and software issues before they negatively impact the end-user experience," according to IDC. This data can also hold invaluable insights for IT and help them determine whether an employee has the right type of PC for the demands of their role. "For IT managers, this is paramount to keep their employees secure, productive and happy," according to IDC. IT managers today are tasked with increasing employee productivity and upgrading their organization's overall security strategy. The Intel vPro® platform has been designed to support the needs of modern businesses with business-class control and security features that are directly baked into the silicon. Its remote management capabilities also allow for more seamless deployment, integration and management, even when the system is on-prem or outside a company firewall. The PC has taken on an outsized role in today's data-centric world. New PCs powered by the Intel vPro platform will help IT managers secure and manage an increasingly sophisticated data infrastructure while also enhancing the employee experience. |