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ABOUT PyraFire (this blog )

""BLOGSPOTTED " I define as a Verb sense...
..a word for ""blog post., only just the one's here at blogger blogs"
Blogging here was originaly inspired by the History and similarity of the old companies of pyra labs and feedburners...

For NOW this Feed Reader...
1 st before before BLOGSPOTS .... OKAY, before blog posts here

Only partial feed posts show , so to considerate as excerts of articles (off sirte origins...

and a lot of space between posts ,SO TO SEE THE PAGE BACKGROUND and SIDEBAR
to the finale of feeds below....

,,,inspired some because 2020 was a ""Lightning Drought"".., this is good about getting back to blogging in a sense of ""Search Solutions""

Thunderstone Blog: Customized Search Engine & Software

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Scholastic Search For ""a.i."" (un reviewed results ; mostly Cornell and Oxford ) for rss feeds

  data analytics  ""feedburner"" "pyralabs""
Publish Cube-ubiclishlent or ant?
Rather essense of scent sense... 
...SINCE if a click or i cancel ...?

 RESULTS Basically Only One Search where i entered the words of topic in focus ; for mrna nonsynthetic sources via vaccine and other places thru testing (source of non synthetgic MOST PEOPLE I THINK DISCERN TO BE OF ORIGIN FRO AN OTHER OF A PERSON PL,ACE OR THING